Westford Climate Action (WCA)
Driving local climate action through promoting sustainability and advocating on a local level for actions that will reduce greenhouse gas emissions and safeguard the health of our community for future generations.
What does Westford Climate Action do?
Westford Climate Action is a grassroots organization of town residents who are concerned about the climate crisis and advocate for mitigating actions that can be taken locally.
They collaborate with organizations, like ours, in Westford, nearby towns and the state of Massachusetts to:
Research, identify, and create educational opportunities that increase awareness of the climate crisis
Promote ways that the town and individuals can increase sustainability and reduce our carbon footprint
Encourage and support citizen and municipal action to address the impact of climate change where we live
Major Accomplishments since 2020:
Worked with town boards and staff to successfully increase renewable energy in Westford’s energy aggregation contract. Renewables in default contract for all homes and small businesses were increased by 10% and 50% and 100% renewable energy options were added
Sponsored a Climate Action Resolution at Special Town Meeting in October 2020 to ask Select Board to promote clean energy, reduce fossil fuel and develop a roadmap to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. Resolution passed overwhelmingly.
Worked with Select Board to add a clean energy and sustainability goal to the town manager’s objectives
Organized Westford Earth Day 2022